138x222 cm, oil on canvas, 2017



138x222 cm, oil on canvas, 2017

138x222 cm, oil on canvas, 2017

222x138 cm, oil on canvas, 2017


222x138 cm, oil on canvas, 2017

250x138 cm, oil on canvas, 2017

89x62 cm, graffiti, 2017

105x105 cm, graffiti, 2017

105x105 cm, graffiti, 2017

89x62 cm, graffiti, 2017

105x105 cm, graffiti, 2017

105x105 cm, graffiti, 2017

140x255 cm, graffiti, 2017

89x62 cm, graffiti, 2017

270х900 cm, wood, akril, 2017

270х900 cm, wood, akril, 2017
Painting, object, installation.
"Do not say that there is no God. Speak - I do not have Him "(St. Nicholas of Serbia).
The project consists of nine paintings written in the traditional technique of three-layer painting, eight art objects made in the technique of graffiti, and the installation the "Wall", which the artist created directly in front of the audience.
To begin with, in the project there are two groups of works - paintings and objects.In both of them in the form of graffiti - drawings on the wall the author depicted the main subjects of the "Passion of Christ". This is the Carrying of the Cross, the Crucifixion, the Flagellation, the Position in the Coffin, the Ascension, the Kiss of Judas. They are executed by a black outline, sometimes with a pouring of whitewashes, represent paraphrases of classical works and due to incredible expressiveness cause strong emotional experiences. There is a foreground and background in the paintings. Against the backdrop of graffiti, the artist depicts genre scenes from the life of a metropolis, and between these two plots, existing in the plane of the same canvas, an irresistible abyss, gaping parallelism. Here is the young man who is completely absorbed in his mobile phone, all in virtual reality ("Application")and does not notice neither what is depicted on the wall (this is the Position in the coffin), nor the bleeding cut on his brow left by life reality. The little girl does not see the huge image of Removing from the cross on the wall behind her - she is in reality of electronic game in her mobile ("Minecraft"). There are street guys, one of them in a hood is sleeping with his face nestled down on hands and knees and leaning against the foot of the cross with the crucified Christ ("The Last Hero"), the other one, who is not yet completely disconnected from the world, noticed something on the wall, something flies upward, and exclaims "Up", as if it was not the ascension of Christ but the flight of balloons. The long bare legs of the girl leaning against the wall, side by side with the image of the Flagellation of Christ ("Bitch").
Who are these characters of Ivan Korshunov? "Or are you a mouse?" Or are you miscarriages? / That you do not see the sun ... / Or have you got into the ground / like snot? (Heinrich Sapgir, Psalms). Korshunov's characters are his contemporaries, as young as himself. All of them are united by something in common - piercing loneliness in the modern world of a big city. The reason for this is that the artist sees in the deity of his contemporary, while the person deprived himself of divine grace and God left him. That is, it's not poor Job, how temporarily abandoned by God, crying to him, hungering for divine grace, this is a indifferent, devastated man who denied this gracehimself.
"Lord / bow your skies / and come down / for at least half an hour" (Heinrich Sapgir, Psalms). In the context of his interpretation, Ivan Korshunov appears to be a modern God-seeker, developing the tradition and ideas of Russian religious philosophy.
"For many people, the Divine image has become only a drawing on the wall. Despite many life circumstances, God is constantly present in the life of every person, and only a free volitional act helps us to notice or not notice it, "says Ivan Korshunov. "There are leaves / birds there / the sky is / and indeed there is / Judge of all living" - the poet writes (Psalms. GS).
The title of the project imparts a double meaning. On the one hand, this is a call to action, expressing evangelical love for one's neighbor, grief at the last farewell, and on the other - this is the kiss of the traitor, the Judas kiss.
Irina Filatova, curator of Fine Art gallery